The Top Porn Category Searches of the Past 10 Years
Last month, the folks at Men’s Health set about answering one of the biggest questions on the minds of most people who enjoy porn:
Which porn categories are most popular among other men and women?
It’s something we all wonder from time to time, when browsing what’s on offer and occasionally branching out. Who else is watching the same kind of stuff as you? Is there something you might be missing out on?
Truth is, the vast majority of top-viewed porn categories have remained relatively unchanged over the past few years. Though there’s one exception to the rule that’s been gaining serious traction as of late – bisexual porn.
Both as a main category and a subcategory within countless others, the popularity of bisexual clips is growing among male and female audiences alike. As for why…well, it’s very much open to debate. Though, it’s most likely a simple case of liberal attitudes and the general open mindedness of younger generations that’s seeing bisexual porn head for the mainstream.
Exact statistics are hard to come by, given the tendency for many to watch bisexual porn is something of a ‘dirty little secret’. But you can rest assured that if it is something you’ve been checking out from time to time, you’re certainly not in the minority!
Other than this, the full top 10 listings of the most popular porn categories (according to the report in Men’s Health) currently look like this:
10. Hentai
Animated porn is popular category millions love but few talk about it openly, due to the fact that what goes on therein has a tendency to be slightly on the bizarre side. Definitely not for those with a weak constitution or a faint heart.
9. Well hung
While it’s fair to say that not all women like dongs the size of dinosaurs, plenty obviously do. Hence, the popularity of this category.
8. Huge breasts
Ditto for men with a taste for massive boobs – always a popular choice in the annual rankings.
7. Anal
Another firm favorite that’s been hanging around the rankings for years, which is understandably a male-dominated segment. Not a category frequented by too many women, but a few here and there.
6. Ebony
A pretty broad category to say the least, with clips of all shapes and sizes that involve at least one African American performer.
5. Mature
Proof that age is nothing but a number where porn is concerned, just as long as the quality of the clip is up to scratch.
4. Teen
Self-explanatory and almost always within the top five, primarily among male audiences.
3. Amateur
There’s something uniquely appealing about a quality amateur porn clip. Perhaps the fact that what takes place on screen is usually something you could get away with in real life, unlike the more ‘creative’ pro-shot clips doing the rounds.
A category that basically didn’t exist before the term was first coined a couple of decades ago, but has nonetheless gone from strength to strength ever since.
1. Lesbian
Perhaps a surprise entry at the top of the list for some, lesbian porn apparently rules the roost. Though, when you think about it, the fact that it attracts a fairly even split of men and women makes it a no-brainer for the top spot.